Following Jesus

Foundational Set from Acts 2

Following Jesus
(Scriptures to be used during "Look Up" are listed below)

Look Back

1. What are you thankful for?

2. Have you seen God at work recently?

3. Any updates on “following  & fishing”?  

Look Up

Read Scripture then ask:

4. What did you find interesting?

5. Any observations about God or people?

6. What is your take away or response?

* Helps for keeping discussions on track

- Refer to a particular passage when sharing 

- Redirect to the passage if getting off track (i.e. “Where do you see that in the verse?”)

Look Ahead

7. How will you follow Jesus this week? 

8 Who will you “fish” for this week? 

Topics 1-4 "Initiation" - How people were added to the church

Week 1 - Jesus is Lord - Rom 10:9-17; Luke 6:46-49; Matt 7:21-27 

Week 2 - Repentance - Psa 119:57-61; Mat 21:28-32; Act 26:15-20

Week 3 - Water Baptism - Matt 28:18-20; Acts 8:26-38; Rom 6:3-12; 1Co 10:1-4 

Topics 5-8 "Continuation" - Practices that help us continue in the faith

Week 5 - Apostle's Doctrine - John 8:31-32; 2 Tim 3:12-17; Psalm 19:7-14

Week 6 - The Fellowship - 1Jn 1:3; Rom 15:26; Heb 13:16; Php 1:3-5 (KJV)

Week 7 - Breaking Bread - Acts 2:46; Luk 19:5-10; Mar 2:14-17; Acts 20:7-11

Topics 9-12 "Participation" - Ongoing participation in the work of the kingdom

Week 9 - Signs & Wonders - Joh 14:11-14; 1Co 12:7-12; Jas 5:16-18

Week 10 - Generosity - Act 4:32-37; Luk 21:1-4; 2Co 9:6-12

Week 12 - Making Disciples - Mat 28:18-20; 2Ti 2:2; Rom 1:13-17; Rom 15:14-24