Who Should I Share the Gospel With?

When preparing to go into the harvest to share the gospel there are four questions to consider: (1) WHY should I share the gospel? (2) WHO should I share with? (3) WHAT should I say? and finally (4) WHEN will I do it? Let's look at each of these separately. On this page we will look at WHO should I share with?

Should I share with people I know, or people I don't know? ... (Expand and Read the Story)

(Read Mark 5:1-20)

Describe the condition of this man before he met Jesus. (vs 1-5)

Describe the condition of this man after Jesus cast the demons out. (vs 15)

After the man was set free, what did he want to do? (vs 17-18)

Who did Jesus tell the man to share his story with? (vs 19)

Who ended up hearing his story? (vs 20 - NOTE Decapolis means 10 cities)

This man told those in his HOME, his FRIENDS and EVERYONE in the Decapolis.

He told people he KNEW and people he DID NOT KNOW.

Sharing with People I Know

All of us have a network of relationships (family, friends, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, and people who share similar interests or hobbies. There is a Greek word "oikos" which describes this relational network. The gospel spreads quickly through a person's oikos, (sometimes translated as house or household in the Bible. (see Acts 11:14, 16:15 & 16:31) and watch the video.

A "WHO?" ACTIVITY - Creating Your Oikos Map

Create an "Oikos Map" of your Relational Network

1) Pull out a sheet of paper
Create your Oikos Map (see video for instructions)
3) Use your map as a Prayer Guide, and
begin to Pray for these people
4) Look for opportunities to
Share the Gospel with them

Sharing with People I Don't Know

When you start going beyond the network of people you know, you are searching for a what we call a ‘Person of Peace.’

When we go "into the harvest" whether door-knocking, in a store, at our school, or on the streets, we are searching for the "person of peace" whom God will use to reach a family, neighborhood or social group.

Jesus' Strategy Was to Search for "Persons of Peace" (Luke 10 & Matt 10)

In Luke 10:1-11, a person of peace is defined as:
V. 5- opens his door to you

V. 6- receives your blessing and shows interest

V. 7- opens his house to you/hospitable

V. 7- offers to sustain you in some way

V. 4- does not waste time

And in Matthew 10:5-14, this person is defined as:
V. 13- he is worthy

V. 13- has influence in his home

V. 14- receives you

V. 14- hears your words

Examples of God-Prepared People

Here are some examples of God-prepared people who were introduced to the gospel by perfect strangers.
1) Cornelius - he was described as "a devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God." - but he did not yet know Jesus, until Peter came to tell him. Read the story in Acts 10

2) Lydia - she was one who prayed regularly with other women, but did not yet know Jesus until Paul came to tell her. Read the story in Acts 16:13-15

The Ethiopian Eunuch - He is described this way, "He had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning, seated in his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah." - but he did not yet know Jesus until Philip came to tell him. Read the story in Acts 8:26-40

When we go to the streets, or happen to engage in a conversation with someone we don't know, we are simply looking for receptive God-prepared people like these, who will receive the
messenger, (that's you) receive the message (the gospel of the kingdom) and ultimately receive the mission so that they in turn will freely give to others what they have received in Christ.

A "WHO?" ACTIVITY - Go Into the Harvest in Search of the Person of Peace

Schedule time with another person and go out into the harvest to pray and share the gospel with people you don't know while searching for a person of peace.

Read Luke 10:2-11

Key Findings:

1) Pray to the LORD of the harvest (vs 2-3) to send out laborers into his harvest,
2) AND be willing to GO yourself
3) Search for the "Person of Peace" that is, the person who "receives you" (vs 5 & 8)
4) Pray for them (vs 9 says "Heal the sick")
5) Proclaim the kingdom of God - a person must hear the gospel in order to believe (Rom 10:14)

WHY should I share the gospel?
3) WHAT should I say? and finally
4) WHEN will I do it? Let's look at each of these separately.